Forums - shuma gorath... Show all 6 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- shuma gorath... ( Posted by illusion on 04:19:2001 06:55 AM: seriously does anybody have some good strats for the fighing octapussy?...just wondering cuz nobody plays "it"...i'll understand if i just get flamed on for posting this but i had to ask.. peace Posted by SSF2T on 04:19:2001 07:05 AM: Beat him down ASAP, he has no good defense, nor offense. And his only lvl 1 Super is really crappy, plus slow. Run when he does the lvl 3. It's that simple. Posted by SF Punker on 04:19:2001 07:42 AM: I used to be real good with Shuma back in the good ol' MSHvSF days...course that was then and this (MvC2) is now, and now Shuma sucks. Just like what the other guy said he's to weak with no good supers to be played seriously against all the top tier characters...i just pull him out for fun's sake. But....if you feel like taking him out for a joyride his best combo for me is lk,lk, super jump, lp, lp, b+lk, kick grab (life-sucking throw)...and i've heard you can do his level 3 grab at the end of his air combo, but dont ask me how... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:19:2001 08:07 AM: Hmmmmm...Shuma Well, all his prioritized attacks were mediums, so they can't be done on their own, anymore. He's slow on the ground, and slow in the air. His projectile doesn't travel full screen. His specials have bad recovery delay. No air dash, no double jump, not even a wall jump. The best thing I can say about him is that he has excellent throw priority (sad, huh?). His level 1 isn't so bad as all that. Sure, from full screen it sucks, but up close it's not too bad. Use it only in combos. Ummmm...Chaos Dimension has a certain intimidation factor to it. The startup is invulnerable and hits, so you can use it like a no-risk dragon punch if you wanna spend 3 levels. Jump after it hits, and grab. Assists: Expansion is probably the best, as it covers a lot of ground. The recovery is bad, though. If it hits, it throws the opponent way up into the air above you, so only a few characters can combo afterwards (Blackheart and Doom come to mind). So maybe play Blackheart/Shuma/Doom. If Shuma hits, Doom can superjump upback and hit a photon array. Blackheart should be able to infinite off of it. If you've got a lot of meter stockpiled, you might counter to Shuma, call Blackheart, and do Chaos Dimension. If you hit with the smash late enough, you should get a free opportunity at a grab. Better have a way to get him out of there afterwards, though. Geez, you might be better off with Roll. -DFA Posted by AZER on 04:19:2001 08:07 AM: This is my team with Shuma Gorath. Doom - AAA/Shuma Gorath - Projectile/Blackheart - AAA Use the Doom/BH trap to build up levels. Then once you get 3 or more bring in Shuma Gorath. Call out your assist and do you Chaos Dimension super. Hard for your opponent to get out when you call out your assist. That's pretty much your strategy with Shuma Gorath. Very hard to fight up close with out assist. Posted by EVIL5150 on 04:19:2001 10:43 PM: It's fairly simple to use a helper that will trap your opponent in block stun long enough to activate and snatch them with chaos dimension, however the damage has beeen so decreased that it's not all that good for 3 levels of super. Hyper Mystic smash does great tick damage and is easily comboed. ALso you can try my sneaky trick of hitting a regular mysic stare, (just keep throwing them off of your s.rk), then so long a you have an eyeball on them you can perform hyper mystic smash let your opponent block it and hyper-cancell into a powerful super, (i.e. HeadCrush), the totally helpless and unable to block the incoming super. This will yield a great number of "WTF? I thought I was Blocking!?" All times are GMT. The time now is 12:06 AM. Show all 6 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.